Have you been bored and fed up with using common round Ice dices to enjoy your drinks? Square Ice Machine is your option, the same as ICEMA's inneal-deighe air a phronnadh. Our item are much more secure, simple to use, and develops high-quality Square Ice dices. We will be mentioning the advantages of having a Square Ice Machine, the innovation responsible for their style, the safety attributes, and how to use it, alongside their service, quality, and application.
Square Ice Machine, also the inneal deighe malairteach manufactured by ICEMA is suitable for various applications. Unlike typical round-shaped Ice dices, Square Ice dices have higher fullness, assisting to create all of them thaw slow-moving, as a result sustaining your items cooled for a dramatically much a lot longer opportunity.
The style of Square Ice Machine combines advanced innovation which promises excellent Ice production and quality, similar with the inneal deigh gnìomhachais supplied by ICEMA. The Ice-making procedure utilize the cooling down device which develops unobstructed and evenly shaped Ice dices. The Machine additionally provide the programmable operator allowing the buyer to readjust the measurements and production costs of the Ice dices.
Safety is essential when taking into consideration to handling Machines which handle with Ice and water. Square Ice Machine, along with the inneal deigh flake from ICEMA seem along with safety attributes including overcurrent safeguards, higher and low-pressure protection, and water move safeguards, that promises much more secure treatment. In option, the Machine feature a self-diagnosis work which informs a private in the unlikely event of any sort of issues.
Using Square Ice Machine, identical to ICEMA's product inneal deigh mòr is basic. To start, connect in the Machine, load the water storage container, and switch it in. The Machine may instantly begin the Ice-making procedure. The programmable operator enable a private to collection the measurements and production velocity of the Ice dices. When the Ice dices are developed, they're spared right in to the important area compartment till they have been equipped to use.
Tha sinn mothachail air càileachd inneal àrd cuideachd saothrachadh agus sgrùdadh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a’ chompanaidh againn a rèir slatan-tomhais eadar-roinneil. Gus coinneachadh ri riatanasan luchd-cleachdaidh. Faodaidh an iar-reic againn a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith eòlach gu sgiobalta teachdaichean a fhreagairt. Gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil sàsachd luchd-cleachdaidh gu cunbhalach a’ fastadh, cuideachadh agus fuasglaidhean a thabhann.
Tha goireas saothrachaidh aig ICEMA, ionad rannsachaidh is leasachaidh a’ còmhdach 5,000 meatairean ceàrnagach. Tha innealan deigh ICEMA air an roinn ann an còig sreathan agus tha còrr air 100 modal rim faighinn gus coinneachadh ri iarrtasan ar luchd-dèiligidh. Tha còrr air 30 peutant aig a’ chompanaidh agus cho-obraich iad le grunn chompanaidhean ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail.
Is e gnìomhachas leantainneach de theicneòlas a th’ annainn a tha ag amas air eòlas luchd-cleachdaidh. Bidh an gnìomhachas a’ dèanamh thoraidhean meadhanach aig a bheil teòthachd ìosal air specs teachdaichean. Siostam fuarachaidh teas ìosal, ultra-ìosal a tha a ’còmhdach fuarachaidh, glèidhteachas, fuarachaidh, reothadh, reothadh luath a bharrachd air raointean eile. Chan eil aig stuthan a-riamh dìreach cuibhreann a thaobh a’ mhargaidh tha seo gu cinnteach as motha ann an Sìona ach a bharrachd air sin às-mhalairt gu Ear-dheas Àisia, Afraga, an Ear Mheadhanach, ceann a deas na SA, tòrr a bharrachd air nàiseanan 130 san Roinn Eòrpa.
Is e prìomh ghnìomhachas na companaidh uidheamachd fuarachaidh agus ùr-ghnàthach airson gnìomhachas fuarachaidh. A-nis, is e na toraidhean as mòr-chòrdte innealan deigh pellet malairteach innealan deigh pellet gnìomhachais, inneal deigh tiùb gnìomhachais innealan deigh duilleag gnìomhachais, inneal-deighe bloc gnìomhachais, inneal-brisidh deigh. Faodaidh innleadairean fuasglaidhean a dhealbhadh a rèir feumalachdan luchd-ceannach.
Còraichean © Shanghai Icema Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. Gach còir glèidhte Am polasaidh prìobhaideachd